We are a family-oriented dental practice that offers comprehensive dental services for all of your dental needs.
Relieve tooth pain and save your natural tooth with our endodontic and root canal services! Trust our skilled team for a comfortable experience.
Regain your smile and confidence with custom dentures! Our expert team will provide you with a comfortable, natural-looking solution.
Restore your smile. Get a durable, natural-looking solution for missing or damaged teeth from our skilled team.
Unlock a brighter, more confident smile with professional teeth whitening! Safely remove stains and discoloration for a dazzling, healthy look.
Get the perfect smile with clear aligners! Enjoy virtually invisible treatment, easy maintenance, and the freedom to eat what you want.
Transform your smile with braces! Straighten teeth, correct bite issues, and boost your confidence with our trusted and affordable dental service.
Our experienced dentists will ensure your teeth and gums are in excellent condition.
We want to make every aspect of your visit as enjoyable as possible. We have complimentary beverages and cookies from the Blissful Whisk for you to enjoy as you wait for your appointment.
Once you are seated in the dental chair, sit back and enjoy a FREE Paraffin Hand Wax treatment, warm aromatherapeutic neck roll, pillow and or blanket while listening to your favorite music.
Come meet our Dental Doodles, Max and Mandi. They are professionally trained service/therapy comfort animals that can accompany you during your visit free of charge.
Dr. Rob Piñón was raised in Yakima Washington. After graduating high school he attended Brigham Young University in Provo Utah where he double majored in International Relations and Spanish. He later decided to move back to Yakima to start his pursuit of becoming a dentist.
Schedule an Appointment with Our Experienced Dentists and Achieve Your Best Smile Yet!